Magnificent Obsession Women’s Ministry | Calvary Chapel Antelope Valley

Magnificent Obsession Women’s Ministry

When We meet

The Magnificent Obsession Women’s Ministry meets on Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.

Download the schedule & materials here: Materials.

Our Vision

We seek to offer you a well of refreshing fellowship in the Lord Jesus Christ, through the study of His Word.  Therefore we offer Bible studies that provide in-depth teaching of the Bible.  These studies also offer:

  • Study materials to help you dig deeper into the Word of God.
  • Group accountability to help you learn responsibility.
  • Fellowship to develop a sense of “family” in the body of Christ.
  • Prayer so that you my learn to bring all situations before the Lord, and see His power in answered prayers.
  • Worship to honor God and prepare your heart to hear His Word.

Every event we plan for the women here at Calvary Chapel Antelope Valley will always have a theme centered on God’s Word.  Besides Bible studies in the fall and summer, we offer a Spring Luncheon in April or May, a Women’s Retreat in September, and our Women’s Christmas Dinner in December.  Our prayer is that you will bring unsaved family and friends to these events that they might come to know their Savior too!  You see, our goal is to have all the women of our church draw closer to the Lord and to be able to reach out and touch others in the name of Jesus!

Our desire is to provide an opportunity for you to experience God’s grace through His Word; God’s power through His Spirit; and God’s call through serving others.

Ministry Leader: Liz Gorski